Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Potty training note
At first, she did pretty good with only a few accidents. Then, she started to just pee in her pants again. But by the end of the week she was using the potty pretty well, and she did the same over the weekend (although we did put her in some pull-ups and not panties).
She is using the potty to go pee pee consistently now. She hasn't had an accident yet this week, at home or at Gloria's. Last night she even ran to use the potty without me taking her (and she actually peed, too).
Hooray for Sarah! It only took you a little over a week to learn to use the potty to pee pee! NOW, if we could just get you to use the potty for poo-poo...(this is another story entirely)...but we're working on it! We're still very proud of you, big girl!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Fall Fun

Monday, September 21, 2009
Sarah and Daddy
Fun with sidewalk chalk
Over Labor Day weekend, Sarah and I spent some time being creative and drawing in the driveway with her sidewalk chalk. We drew our family on the brick retaining wall outside the garage...which Sarah LOVED! I just had to take a picture. AND Sarah insisted that I had to add our kitty,Fenn-

Fieldtrip to the Aquarium

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Sarah in the tub

See ALL of the toys...?
Cutest face ever! (we were telling her to say "cheese")

4th of July

Sarah and Emily

Sarah and Emily at Lake Lanier...

June and July Updates

Mid June Kelli, Dusty, Will and Robert came for a weekend visit, and we let the kids play in the pool on the back deck. They were so cute! The pool was full of bathtub toys!

Friday, May 29, 2009
Sarah's 2nd Birthday Party

Spring flowers!
These are my irises on the side of the garden path.
Hastas on the path (above) and the hosta garden area (below).
Clematis growing on the mailbox.

When the hydrangeas come into bloom, I'll be sure to take more photos. They are just beautiful, and we have lots of bushes of different colors and varieties. Right now, our yard is full of day lillies in bloom. They are also all over the yard in groups--in the front border, in the side bed, and in a garden area off the path. So pretty!
Sarah's sand table

Monday, May 11, 2009
My Mother's Day
Stephen and Sarah took me out to dinner Saturday night (which as some of you know, is not always fun with Sarah being 2). It was actually a wonderful evening. We went to a local Italian place, sat out on the patio, Sarah was wonderful and stayed in he seat and ate dinner, and then we walked around the park and let Sarah play in the fountains. Wonderful evening!
On sunday morning, Stephen made me breakfast--cheese eggs, sausage, and biscuits. Yummy! I even had some time to myself, while Sarah was napping that afternoon (for 3 hours!)--Stephen went outside to clean his truck and I got to watch a girlie movie by myself and relax. After dinner, Stephen took Sarah outside and they played on her new tricycle for almost an hour, giving me yet some more relax time!
So, a heartfelt thanks to my wonderful husband, who really made my mothers day special!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Cutie Sarah
Sarah's first egg hunt
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Kids say the funniest things!
This morning, when I dropped her off with Ms. Gloria, she kept tugging at her ears and sticking her finger in there. I asked her what was wrong, and she grabbed my finger and stuck it into her ear. There was just a little bit of wax in there that I got on my finger. When Sarah saw it, she said, "Mommy, ear booger!".
Ms. Gloria and I both laughed so hard!!!
Sarah's nursery rhymes
We just got this Clifford lift-the-flap book at a consignment sale recently. She loves the book already. Each set of pages focuses on a different educational thing--like one page is about colors, one is about shapes, one is about numbers 1-10, and one about letters. The last page open to Clifford and all these kids reading, and the lift-the-flaps are all books, with a nursery rhyme title on the outside, and a verse or two on the inside. Sarah is absolutely infatuated with this last page. In particular, she loves the book cover and verse for two of the rhymes:
!) On the front: "Rain, Rain, Go Away"; on the inside: "Come Again Another Day" (with a cute pic of a little girl with an umbrella in the rain)
2) on the front: "Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall"; on the inside: "Humpty Dumpty Had a Great Fall" (with a little pic of humpty falling and breaking)
She is so funny, because for the rain rhyme, she will sing it over and over, and say "Mommy, its raining" and "need umbrella". For the humpty rhyme, she will say "Oh, no!" and then say "Humpty broken" or "Humpty fall down".
She will turn to these pages over and over, and we read the book EVERY night. So cute. Just goes to show you what goes on in her little head, and how she is piecing together these concepts in her mind. She is really smart.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Just an update...
She is also smart as a whip! She is doing things that are well advanced for her age. She is using 3 word sentences, while 2 word sentences is where she should be right now. One of the cutest things she says, which she hears me say all the time, is "I don't know". Its so stinkin' cute to hear her say it. This week she started saying "What is that?". She has said it three times this week when she hears something new or sees something strange. She is also very good at telling us what she wants. When she starts to melt-down, you can tell her to use her words, and she will think about it, then pick the words to tell you what it is she is whining about or frustrated with. Smart girl. Also, she can stack blocks 6-8 high--while usually at this age they can only stack blocks 2-4 high. She is a very good problem solver, too. If she wants something on the counter, she will push a chair over to the counter and climb up on it to get what she wants...all the while never asking for it! Its like if she just asked, I would give it to her, but in her head she would rather try to get it herself! See what I mean about how smart she is?
She is also already using scissors to cut paper, and easily able to maneuver twisting tops off of containers. Ms. Gloria says that Sarah's fine motor skills are greatly advanced for her age. She is actually doing things at Ms. Gloria's that the older 3 year old kids are not able to do yet.
In other Sarah news, she has finally gained a little more weight, and weighs a whopping 23 pounds! (This is still VERY small for her age). But seriously, she eats a ton! She eats two breakfasts every day, one with me and another when she goes to Ms. Gloria's. She also eats two lunches a day, once with all the kids around 12, and a second one before taking a nap. She has a snack when she wakes from her nap, another snack when she gets home, and then eats a full dinner with me and Stephen. Then, before she goes to bed, she will eat again. Usually its a bowl of cereal, string cheese, soup, or bite-bites. I mean, that child can eat!!! Where is she putting all of it? I'm happy that she is a good eater, and I'm also happy that she is on the small side for a child. She is still in 18 months pants, but for shirts she is wearing a 2T (she is tall for her age, too).
This week, Sarah has been totally interested in her puzzles. She will do each one twice, the second time I think to prove to herself she has mastered all the pieces. I swear every night she does at least 4 puzzles. She also is finally letting me read some different books than her favorites. She will pick random books for me to read, which I think is GREAT! I mean, you can only read a book so many times before you know all the words and seriously begin to hate it!
So, thats my Sarah update. :) I'll try to post some pics soon!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Another Sarah injury
Friday was my furlough day, so I was home with mom and Sarah for a fun-filled sunny day. We spent the morning lounging around, waiting for the stores to open at 10am so I could get some errands out of the way. Sarah was in a great mood...until it happened. The IT I am referring to is Sarah falling off of her changing table, and hitting her face (mouth) on the corner of her dresser. Ouch! There was a LOT of blood, but not so much crying. Sarah only cried for about 10 minutes, then settled down pretty quickly. Blood was all over me and her. She wanted to be in mommy's lap and watch her favorite show, Caillou. After about 15 minutes of this, I lifted her lip to look at the damage. I immediately started crying when I saw how bad it actually was. I told mom we had to leave, had to take Sarah to Childrens Healthcare immediately. I had no idea how bad it was, but I wanted to be safe and go ahead and have her looked at by a doctor. To me, it was bad enough that I cried at just looking at it. Her gums were bloody and black and blue. Her not-brushed teeth were coated with blood. It was so sad.
Once we got to CHOA, they took us back immediately, because apparently a mouth injury needs to be seen quickly. The doctor was very nice, and Sarah was a good girl for her, letting her look into her mouth and at her injury. The doctor said it was going to be fine, no smashed teeth, no nerve damage, just bad bruising, and advised us to not brush Sarah's teeth until it heals. Whew!
I'm still upset that this happened to Sarah. Its amazing that she climbs all over her changing table, getting up and down all by herself on a regular basis. I was standing right there when it happened- it just happened so quickly I didn't have time to react until it was over. This is just a reminder that no matter how confident Sarah is, accidents can happen and she has to be watched like a hawk all the time. Needless to say, the changing table is going to be moved out of her room. She is a big girl and no longer needs it anyway.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Sarah's Ear Surgery
Sarah right after surgery prep--where the nurse talked with us about the procedure, the anesthesiologist told us what was going to happen and how she may/may not react. Sarah had to wear a little hospital gown and non-skid slippers which she would not even let us put on her feet! After she was dressed, she was able to go to another small play area to wait and play before going back to surgery. She had fun playing with all the toys they had! Notice the wipe in her hand?...lately she has been asking for and carrying around baby wipes like they are some sort of security blanket!
This is Sarah right after surgery, back in her recovery room. She is passed out from the anesthesia. The whole surgery only took about 10 minutes. Stephen carried her to the surgery and laid her on the bed--I could not make myself go...I knew I would cry and then wouldn't be able to stop! Stephen said he had to seriously fight back the tears as he laid her on the stretcher and held her hand as they put the mask on her face. But Sarah was good as gold, she let the nurse do it, and just laid there looking at everything and everyone in the room. She didn't even try to get up or fight the mask. Here she is hooked to the machine that monitors her blood pressure and pulse.
At this point, Sarah had started to wake from the anesthesia, and the nurse popped her pacifier in her mouth so she would wake comfortably and securely.
After Sarah woke up, she wanted to nurse, and then she let us take her out of her hospital gown and put her clothes back on. Within 10 minutes of her waking, we were able to leave and come home! I'm so glad its all over! And I hope she stays healthy from her on out...no more ear infections!