Tuesday, January 27, 2009


So, I thought I would post an update to how things are in our household--

Sarah was sick last week with another cold, which turned guessed it, another ear infection. Poor thing...back on antibiotics. The good news is that we have decided to proceed with her ear tube surgery, and have it scheduled for Feb. 25th. We are optimistic that this surgery will help her little ears drain the fluid that is constantly building up in there, and keep her off antibiotics for a long time. Keep your fingers crossed. :)

Also, mommy now has the terrible cold that Sarah had last week, and isn't feeling too good herself. Colds suck. I should probably look on the bright side of things--at least I am able to take some symptom meds to at least feel somewhat better. Sarah couldn't even do that, so she had to suffer through this stuffy nose and sinus headache. I'm loving sudafed and tylenol about now...

Lots of you have asked how potty training is going, and my only reply is "its going". Sarah still tells us when she has to potty, although sometimes its after she has ripped her diaper off and peed/pooped in the floor. She mostly does this in the bathroom, though, thank goodness for cleaning it up! She knows when she has to potty, she knows where she needs to potty, and she knows she needs to remove her pants and diaper to potty. Now its just a matter of consistency and practice. So, we're working on it!

Sarah is also sleeping good in her own bed, a double bed in her room. I'm still sleeping with her, and we've had some issues with her being sick this past week, but I think we're back on track and I'm hoping to transition to just laying with her until she falls asleep this weekend. Wish us luck!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pics of Sarah

I finally uploaded the photos off our broken camera, and wanted to share a few of the really cute ones. . . .

Sarah and Will playing with their daddy's (December 2008)

Sarah looking cute as can be in her hoodie (she loves to wear hats and hoods!)

Sarah just chillin', watching some tv (probably Caillou or Yo GabbaGabba)

Sarah was just starting to get sick in this photo, but look how adorable she looks even though she doesn't feel good...

Good night, Sleep tight

Most everyone knows that Sarah has slept in the bed with me and Stephen since she was an infant. She never liked her crib, and I have always loved having her in bed with me to snuggle, it just made midnight nursings so much easier because neither one of us actually had to leave the bed or sometimes even wake fully. For many reasons, but mostly for Sarah's sake, we have transitioned her to her room, in her own double bed. We started friday night, and she has now slept in her own bed (with mommy for now) for 5 nights. My plan is to sleep with her for about 2 weeks, let her get used to the room and the bed, then begin to transition to letting her fall asleep with me in there, but then I leave and sleep in my own bed, and then we will transition to her going to sleep on her own without mommy in there at all. I think she is ready. I'm optimistic. I am setting the timeline of having this process set by her birthday in May. That's 5 full months to practice and set it in stone. Wish us far, no sleepless nights, no trouble falling asleep, no crying at all. :)

One more note: Sarah is now pacifier-free at home. She has been pacifier-free at Ms. Gloria's now for about 3 weeks, but it has just taken us longer to break the habit at home. We tell Sarah that big girls do not need a "chupa" (her Spanish word for pacifier), and she hasn't even asked for it in 3 days. Yeah, Sarah! You are truly a big girl now!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Update from ENT appt.

So, yesterday Sarah had 2 doctor appts., both of which went well considering she didn't get a very long nap because of the timing of the appts. In the afternoon, she had her 2nd flu shot, and she was a little trooper for that. She hardly even cried. Then, after chicken nuggets, fries, fruit, and a short nap, we headed to the ENT. Mommy didn't cry...but came close to it. Daddy and mommy were both there, and basically the doctor says that it would be in Sarah's best interest to have the surgery to put tubes in her ears. It was his only recommendation. He did say we could wait 3 months to see what happens, but considering her last ear infection was 11/24 and now she has another on 1/5, the odds for waiting don't look good. Her ear infections are definitely stemming from air and drainage problems in her little eustachian tubes. The ear tubes will vent the middle ear and allow air to flow in and drainage out. Thus, it should help with infections. Stephen and I are still thinking about exactly what we are going to do, but we are leaning towards surgery. I will probably schedule it next week.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

More doctor appointments

So, Sarah has been sick with a cold for about a week, and I got her an appointment yesterday afternoon with her pediatrician. She has been pulling on her ear last night, and I know that each time she gets a cold, it usually ends with her ear bothering her. So, we went to the doctor, and sure enough--another ear infection. Her last one was just 5 weeks ago. Poor baby! And to top if off, she has her first appointment with a pediatric ear, nose, and throat specialist on thursday afternoon. Stephen and I are both going to the appointment...I don't think I can stand to be there by myself when the decision has to be made about surgery. I'm totally NOT looking forward to it.

On a side note, I do believe that after her second round of antibiotics tonight, Sarah should be feeling back to her normal mischevious self. I am happy that she is eating good again, after hardly eating for 3 days with the cold. Thank God for popsicles! They really help us keep Sarah hydrated when she won't eat or drink because of a sore throat.

Sarah has also gained over a pound, which is great! She almost weighed 23 pounds at the doctor yesterday. It's funny to me how babies put on so much weight so quickly, then it tapers off and they hardly gain anything in months...

I'll keep everyone posted on the outcome of the ENT appointment thursday.