Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year


So, there is this funny website that I like to visit to read totally off-the-wall cards. Here is a really funny one wishing everyone a very happy new year! No, I'm not on antidepressants, but I am really looking forward to a new year, new president, and new economy. I'm sick and tired of being broke all the time!
If you want to see more funny ass cards, the website is:

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Day 2008

So, the holidays are over, but they were fun while they lasted! Sarah really enjoyed her 2nd Christmas, and this year even enjoyed ripping into the presents! These photos are from Christmas Day at the DeWeese's.

Yummy- chocolate cookie. Isn't Sarah adorable in her red Christmas dress?

This is Sarah's new favorite book-- an "I spy" Christmas themed book from Aunt Gerrie for St. Nicholas' day. She loves to find the items in the photos. This is her pointing at the items on the page. So stinkin' cute!

Mommy and Sarah playing on the stairs.

All these great gifts for Christmas, and what does Sarah choose to play with?......the bag it came in! Here she is playing peek-a-boo with the bag over her head. LOL!

Sarah coloring with her new markers and coloring book with Uncle Sean.

Looking at the photo book Aunt Suzie compiled from all Sarah's photos over the year. We would say, "Who is that?" and she would reply, "Sarah". She is so smart, already knowing her name!

Sarah's new favorite pasttime-- feeding the kitty treats! She does this with her kitty at home, too.

Gangster Daddy! (wearing his new hat and playing with cap guns)

Sarah playing with bubbles later on Christmas day. I like this picture because you can really see the bubbles in the photo very clearly.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The DeWeese's 40th Wedding Anniversary

This past Saturday was the wedding anniversary party that Suzie put together for the parent's 40th anniversary. What a milestone! I hope Stephen and I can make it that long! Anyway, it was a great party, very elegant, and very well planned. It was catered with a chef, and we all dined on filet mignon and jumbo prawn, among other delicious accompaniments.

Suzie sat all the "kids" at a table

A great photo of Suzie, Maureen, and Chrissy

Sarah and Me--it was a very long night. Sarah stayed up until almost 11pm!

Sarah stealing goodies off the appetizer table

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Pee pee in the potty

This morning something wonderful happened - Sarah used the toilet for the first time ever! I am so proud of her!

Let me tell you how it happened: Since Friday, Sarah has been trying to pull off her diaper. She has mastered taking of her pants, but hadn't yet figured out how to remove the diaper. We had no idea why she was doing this, other than thinking she was trying to master her new skill of dressing/undressing herself (which we have been really working on for a couple of weeks). On Sunday, we were home with Sarah all day for the first time in many weeks. Twice, she took off her pants and diaper, and then proceeded to pee in the floor. We decided it was time for a potty. Last night, I bought two different potties-- one that just fits on the regular toilet, and a stand-alone potty. We tried using them last night, but she didn't ever pee, she just sat there. We kept talking it up about how you go pee pee in the potty, and how you wipe and then flush, etc. Sarah repeats all of the words like she knows exactly what we are saying. She gets excited about flushing the toilet paper down the toilet, and even says "Bye bye poopy". Its really cute (even if it sounds gross!)

This morning, after Sarah was dressed and ready to go to Ms. Gloria's, she started to take her pants down, and then pull off her diaper. I caught her in the midst and grabbed her up and rushed to the tiolet. I let her put the mini-potty seat on the tiolet, then sat her down and told her to go pee pee. She looked down between her legs for a minute, then actually peed! She had this strange look on her face, like she wasn't sure what she just did, but I clapped and made a big fuss about how she peed in the potty, and then coached her to wipe and throw the paper in the toilet. Once she was off and her pants were up, she flushed the toilet, and then we washed her hands. She was so proud! The whole time, I kept singing about what a good girl she was, and how she went pee pee in the potty for the first time. She kept saying "pee pee in the potty" and "good girl" over and over.

After all the fuss, we called daddy and she told her daddy that she used the potty. She was all smiles. We told Ms. Gloria, too, first thing when she opened the door. Talk about a proud little girl! Now, I cannot wait to see what happens tonight...hopefully she will use it again!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Shopping, Lights, and Saying Uncle Brad's Name

We had another busy weekend this weekend. So much for trying to clean house and keep up with the laundry, which is now 2 weeks overdue!

On saturday, Stephen went home to work on the tree farm, and Sarah and I headed out to do some Christmas shopping. First we went to Walmart, where, SURPRISE, Sarah was actually GOOD for mommy! Usually she is terrible there and will not sit in the buggy, and wants to get down and run away from me, but we've been really working on "hold mommy's hand", and to my delight, she is finally starting to get it. It's really stinkin' cute, too. Then, we headed to Bed, Bath and Beyond. Sarah fell asleep in the car on the way, so I just plucked her out of her carseat and laid her right down in the buggy--no pillow or anything. Can you believe she slept that way on the hard buggy for almost 40 minutes??? When we were done there, we went to Grandpa's house and took him to the grocery store, then came home for Sarah's 2nd nap. While Sarah slept, I took advantage of the free time to wrap some presents, actually all of the presents. Have you ever tried to wrap with an 18 month old, who wants to "help" by stealing your scissors, your tape, and walking and dancing on your crisp paper? Needless to say, I learned that wrapping and Sarah don't mix!--so it was nice to get it all done while she was sleeping.

About 6pm on Saturday, Aunt Becky, Uncle Matt, and cousin Jordan and Jennifer came over and we went to dinner and to the Lake Lanier Christmas Lights. Sarah seemed to enjoy the lights, but I really think she just enjoyed hanging out with her cousins, too. It was a late night and Sarah crashed hard on the drive back to the house. I still can't believe she stayed up until 10:30! I think that is the latest she has ever stayed up!

Sunday morning we went to Stephen's parents house for him to work on the tree farm and for Sarah to visit with her Aunt Jennie, who hardly ever gets to see Sarah. She had a full day of visiting aunts (and uncles) and Nana, and was a total stinker because she wouldn't fall asleep to take her nap. We had a wonderful 2nd Thanksgiving meal for Aunt Jennie, and then Stephen and I took Sarah home. Oh, forgot to mention--I have been working with Sarah on family names, and so we went around the table saying each person's name. When she got to uncle Brad, she plain as day said his name! He was really happy about it, but Suzie was so touched she started crying! It was really sweet.

We'll be heading back to the DeWeese farm this coming weekend for Stephen's parents 40th wedding anniversary party, hosted by Suzie and Chrissy. Its crazy to think that everyone has gotten to see Sarah now for 3 weekends in a row.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving Pics

Thanks to Suzie for taking the time to upload all the photos she took of Sarah on Thanksgiving and on tree-picking Sunday. There were a lot of pics and it took her a long time to upload them all for us, plus she is sick (thanks to Sarah), so I just wanted to say thanks so much!

This is Sarah when we first got to Suzie's on Thanksgiving, munching on cold McDonald's hashbrowns.

Sarah loves to climb onto chairs--here she is looking so serious! Isn't her red peacoat adorable?

Sarah did NOT want Mommy and Suzie to put her by the pumpkins AT ALL!
Sarita crashed out after playing all afternoon with the dogs and the family.

Sarah just learned how to blow her nose, and here she is telling Karch to blow and putting the tissue by his nose--so stinkin' cute!

Sarah LOVES doggies, but she likes Karch the best I think because he is so gentle and tolerant with her. Here she is giving Karch hugs and kisses before we leave.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hunting For The Perfect Tree

As promised, here are some photos of us at the tree farm, picking out our Christmas tree. I also used some of these same photos for our Christmas cards.

Sarah and Mommy walking around the tree farm

Family Photos (the sun was totally in our eyes!)

Sarah fascinated with driving the truck!

Our little angel!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Family photos

So, on Thanksgiving we tried to take some pictures of everyone in the family. As you can see, Sarah wasn't being too cooperative. Here is a photo of Sarah with her cousins Jordan and Jennifer.

Busy Holiday

So our holiday was literally spent in the car--or truck. Poor Sarah, she slept more in her carseat than in her bed! Here is a recap of this weekend's activities:

On Thursday we headed to Stephen's family's for hanging out and thanksgiving dinner. We had a lot of fun, but Sarah woke up with a runny nose and cough and fever, so she was not in the best of moods all day. Plus, she really wore herself out playing with everyone and the dogs. She was too tired to even eat her turkey meal, and so we ate without her. I was totally bummed about that. But the food was excellent, we had 2 turkeys-one baked and one fried. Oh- and we didn't get our tree like we always do because the truck had a battery problem, so we had to drive my car and didn't want to carry the tree home on the top of the car. Also, we all got to meet Chrissy's new boyfriend, who it turns out is very nice and treats her very good. We are all thankful for that! When the day was over, we got home around 8pm and Sarah and I pretty much went straight to bed.

On Friday morning Sarah had to go to the pediatrician for her 18 month check-up and immunizations. She didn't get her immunizations, though, because she still had a low grade fever, so we'll have to go back for those sometime next week. But her doctor thought she was doing really well, and she passed all her developmental screenings. She even showed some advancement on some things. However, they were a little worried about her weight--she is 21 pounds and only in the 3%. She is 80% for her height. So, she is tall for her age, and very skinny. The doctor suggested still trying to get her to drink milk to put on some weight. Other than that, she thinks Sarah will "even out" some when she quits growing taller. But at least we don't have to worry about Sarah being obese, like so many kids you so nowadays.

After the pediatrician, we drove to pick up my dad and then to Becky's for our 2nd Thanksgiving dinner. I made a special Fruit tart for dessert, and it turned out so yummy! Everyone loved it! We didn't really hang out that long with my family because we wanted to get Daddy back home and then home ourselves. In all, we got home around 6pm, and at least had a little bit of time to clean up a little bit and get ready for Woody to come visit. Woody didn't end up arriving until 12 midnight!

Saturday morning we all woke up early and got ready to go to Athens for tailgating for the Georgia/Georgia Tech game. I drove all of us--Stephen, Sarah, Woody, and Woody's friend Jessica. We ended up getting there later than we wanted, but still had a little time to hang out before the game. It was raining pretty bad, but the good thing was that we were tailgating in the parking deck, so we all stayed dry. It was cold, but at least dry. I'll post some pics of us tailgating soon. Tim and Rebecca joined us tailgating for a little while, too, which was nice to see them when we weren't planning it. Sarah was in a terrible mood the whole time we were tailgating. Everyone had tickets for the game, so when kickoff time came, me and Sarah headed back home while everyone else went to the game. She slept the whole ride home, and for another 2 hours once we got home. She was tired!

Sunday morning we again drove back to the tree farm so Stephen could pick up and deliver the Trees for the Troops. We also had Suzie come and take our family photos of us getting our tree. We picked a small tree this year, because its going downstairs in the basement where the ceilings are much lower. I'm still debating about getting a bigger tree for upstairs. Anyway, we had another fun day of visiting with the family, and of getting home late. We barely had time to get the tree in the stand before it was again time for bed.

So, today when I get home I am going to decorate our tree. Sarah already had lots of fun helping mommy pull out the lights and decorations. I know she will enjoy decorating. And, its time for us to get back on our regular schedule. Sarah has been a real trooper these last couple of days, totally off schedule and out of her element. In all, I think she handled it really well. But she is the type of child who thrives on a schedule, so we'll be glad when our routine is back and her moods are more stable.