So, the holidays are over, but they were fun while they lasted! Sarah really enjoyed her 2nd Christmas, and this year even enjoyed ripping into the presents! These photos are from Christmas Day at the DeWeese's.

Yummy- chocolate cookie. Isn't Sarah adorable in her red Christmas dress?

This is Sarah's new favorite book-- an "I spy" Christmas themed book from Aunt Gerrie for St. Nicholas' day. She loves to find the items in the photos. This is her pointing at the items on the page. So stinkin' cute!

Mommy and Sarah playing on the stairs.

All these great gifts for Christmas, and what does Sarah choose to play with?......the bag it came in! Here she is playing peek-a-boo with the bag over her head. LOL!

Sarah coloring with her new markers and coloring book with Uncle Sean.

Looking at the photo book Aunt Suzie compiled from all Sarah's photos over the year. We would say, "Who is that?" and she would reply, "Sarah". She is so smart, already knowing her name!

Sarah's new favorite pasttime-- feeding the kitty treats! She does this with her kitty at home, too.

Gangster Daddy! (wearing his new hat and playing with cap guns)

Sarah playing with bubbles later on Christmas day. I like this picture because you can really see the bubbles in the photo very clearly.
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