Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Pee pee in the potty

This morning something wonderful happened - Sarah used the toilet for the first time ever! I am so proud of her!

Let me tell you how it happened: Since Friday, Sarah has been trying to pull off her diaper. She has mastered taking of her pants, but hadn't yet figured out how to remove the diaper. We had no idea why she was doing this, other than thinking she was trying to master her new skill of dressing/undressing herself (which we have been really working on for a couple of weeks). On Sunday, we were home with Sarah all day for the first time in many weeks. Twice, she took off her pants and diaper, and then proceeded to pee in the floor. We decided it was time for a potty. Last night, I bought two different potties-- one that just fits on the regular toilet, and a stand-alone potty. We tried using them last night, but she didn't ever pee, she just sat there. We kept talking it up about how you go pee pee in the potty, and how you wipe and then flush, etc. Sarah repeats all of the words like she knows exactly what we are saying. She gets excited about flushing the toilet paper down the toilet, and even says "Bye bye poopy". Its really cute (even if it sounds gross!)

This morning, after Sarah was dressed and ready to go to Ms. Gloria's, she started to take her pants down, and then pull off her diaper. I caught her in the midst and grabbed her up and rushed to the tiolet. I let her put the mini-potty seat on the tiolet, then sat her down and told her to go pee pee. She looked down between her legs for a minute, then actually peed! She had this strange look on her face, like she wasn't sure what she just did, but I clapped and made a big fuss about how she peed in the potty, and then coached her to wipe and throw the paper in the toilet. Once she was off and her pants were up, she flushed the toilet, and then we washed her hands. She was so proud! The whole time, I kept singing about what a good girl she was, and how she went pee pee in the potty for the first time. She kept saying "pee pee in the potty" and "good girl" over and over.

After all the fuss, we called daddy and she told her daddy that she used the potty. She was all smiles. We told Ms. Gloria, too, first thing when she opened the door. Talk about a proud little girl! Now, I cannot wait to see what happens tonight...hopefully she will use it again!

1 comment:

  1. That is the cutest thing ever...and big shock that im tearing up! SHE IS JUST GROWING UP SOOO FAST!
    I hear that kids often time have a fluke and then they don't pee in the potty again for awhile but I hope that doesn't happen to Sarah...especially since she likes to take her diaper off so much!
