Thanks to Suzie for taking the time to upload all the photos she took of Sarah on Thanksgiving and on tree-picking Sunday. There were a lot of pics and it took her a long time to upload them all for us, plus she is sick (thanks to Sarah), so I just wanted to say thanks so much!
This is Sarah when we first got to Suzie's on Thanksgiving, munching on cold McDonald's hashbrowns.

Sarah loves to climb onto chairs--here she is looking so serious! Isn't her red peacoat adorable?

Sarah did NOT want Mommy and Suzie to put her by the pumpkins AT ALL!

Sarita crashed out after playing all afternoon with the dogs and the family.

Sarah just learned how to blow her nose, and here she is telling Karch to blow and putting the tissue by his nose--so stinkin' cute!

Sarah LOVES doggies, but she likes Karch the best I think because he is so gentle and tolerant with her. Here she is giving Karch hugs and kisses before we leave.
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